This week I have been busy finalising my sleeveless top pattern, and apart from the fact that I still need to tweak a couple of illustrations before the pattern comes out in all its glory (I promise I will publish it next week!), I don’t seem to have anything remotely entertaining to tell you today.
Category: Colour
Coming Soon and Another (Very) Grey Outfit
I am very pleased to announce that I have just finished writing up the pattern for my little grey top (the one I have been bragging about here, here and here), which means it has officially made it into the “coming soon” category!
While my fairy tech-editor is working her magic on the pattern, let me brag one more time about this design and show you another of my outfits featuring this little number.
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Adding New Twist on an Old Look with a Sleeveless Crochet Top
One of the benefits of making a piece of clothing in your favourite colour is that you probably will find a fair number of items in your wardrobe with which to combine it and get a good wear out of it. Moreover, it may actually compliment some of your existing outfit formulae so you can easily give a new twist to an old look.
Remember this grey combo I showed you? My newly crocheted top blends in perfectly and transitions this outfit into a colder season. It adds that extra layer of warmth on a day when the sun is still there but is no longer as affectionate:
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Planning Autumn/Winter Crochet Wardrobe
These past couple of weeks have been my “planning” weeks as I pondered over my Autumn/Winter 2016 crochet wardrobe. Here are a few highlights to give you an idea of where I am heading this crafty season.
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Grey is the New Black
“What’s your favourite colour?” is a question I am asked frequently and one I always get tripped up by producing flavourless answers, something along the lines “it depends”. As truth be told, I don’t really have a favourite colour.
I remember liking black. Not sure that was so much prompted by the mysterious magnetism of this colour, as by the fact that it was the most practical choice for the humble wardrobe of a young lady coming of age in the post-breakup Soviet Union.
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